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Facts about Morocco that are both entertaining and informative:

North Africa is home to the independent country of Morocco. It was also the cultural centre of the medieval Islamic world, with Islamic intellectuals from all over the Arab world congregating here to discuss religion and science.

Because of this, Baghdad is sometimes referred to as the “City of Knowledge.” The nation has a long history and a diverse culture, which combine to make it a one-of-a-kind location that is well worth the effort to go there.

Since the establishment of the first Moroccan kingdom in 788 AD, this nation has been ruled by a number of distinct dynasties. The Alaouite dynasty, which is in power now, took control of the country in 1631.

The several dynasties that have ruled this country left their mark all throughout the country in the form of cities, palaces, castles, mosques, and other architectural wonders. The majority of them are considered to be architectural works of art. Here are some interesting facts about Morocco:

Morocco is home to the highest ski resort in all of Africa:

The first of our interesting facts about Morocco is a location The ski resort of Oukameden is the highest of its type in Africa and can be found in Morocco, around 80 kilometers from the city of Marrakech.

It is situated in the Atlas Mountains at an elevation ranging from 8,500 to 10,500 feet above sea level. The ski resort is equipped with six ski lifts and a variety of additional amenities to facilitate skiing and make it more enjoyable for skiers.

Morocco is home to the world’s oldest university that has been open for its entire history:

The city of Fez, which is situated in Morocco, is home to the Al Quaraouiyine University. In the year 859, it was established by Fatima al-Fihri, who was the well-educated daughter of a rich merchant.

For a significant amount of time, the university served as the most important educational and spiritual institution in the Arab Muslim world. Many prominent Arab thinkers formerly called this institution their academic home.

The country’s system of public universities currently includes the educational establishment in its ranks. The study of Islamic law and other religious traditions is given primary emphasis at this institution.

Ibn Battuta was a Moroccan citizen who:

Ibn Battuta, a well-known Islamic scholar and adventurer, was born in Morocco. He lived around the 14th century and was said to have circumnavigated the globe, making stops in the Middle East, South, Central, and Southeast Asia, as well as Northern Africa and the Horn of Africa.

He recorded every step of his travels in meticulous writings, which are today regarded as invaluable pieces of historical evidence since they shed light on many aspects of medieval society.

A relative of the Prophet Mohammed is credited with founding the country of Morocco:

Idris the First established the Idrisid dynasty, which paved the way for the independence of Morocco in the centuries to come. Idris the First was the Prophet Muhammad’s great-great-great-grandson at this point in time.

After escaping the battlefield of the Battle of Fakhkh in 786, Idris the First eventually found sanctuary in Morocco and settled there.

Morocco is the location where the world’s oldest human sculpture was found:

The Venus of Tan-Tan is a piece of quartzite rock about six centimeters in length and formed like a human being. It was discovered in 1999 during an archaeological dig on the north bank of the Draa River in Morocco.

According to the findings of the investigation, the artifact was created during the Middle Acheulean era, which took place somewhere between 300,000 and 500,000 years ago.

The rock, on the other hand, has taken the form of a person as a result of natural processes like weathering and erosion, as stated by a department of archaeologists.

There is a valley in Morocco that is only used for growing roses:

The M’Goun Valley in Morocco is also referred to as the Vallée des Roses by the locals. Each year, the valley yields between 3,000 and 4,000 metric tons of wild roses. These roses are very important to the economy of the area.

The roses are gathered by local women, who then sell them to cooperatives in the surrounding areas.

The vast majority of these roses are put to use by perfume manufacturers in France, while the rest is put to use by regional businesses in the production of rose water, soaps, and other types of cosmetics.

Morocco is home to the busiest city square in all of Africa:

Jemaa el-Fnaa, which can be found in the Medina neighborhood of the Moroccan city of Marrakech, is the busiest square in all of Africa. This is just one of the fascinating facts about Morocco.

This plaza is often frequented by a significant number of visitors as well as residents. A peek into the cultural life of Moroccans may be had by visiting the square. There is a variety of entertainment available in the plaza, including Chleuh dancers, storytellers, magicians, traditional medicine sellers, and snake charmers.

As dusk approaches, the plaza is filled with food vendors offering regional specialties. The Marrakech Souk is a traditional market that serves both the residents of Marrakech and visitors to the city. It is located on the outskirts of Jemaa el-Fnaa. The area is surrounded by hotels, restaurants, and gardens of all kinds.

Morocco is a country in which it is possible to go from the coast to the mountains and the desert:

You should keep in mind, among the facts about Morocco, that it is home to a large number of natural beauty as well as historical and cultural assets of great importance.

The landscape of the country is very diverse, with coastlines on both the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea, snow-capped peaks in the Atlas Mountains, and vast stretches of desert in the Sahara.

Morocco is home to nine sites that are included on the UNESCO World Heritage List:

The country of Morocco is well recognized as one of the most prominent tourist attractions in the region of North Africa.

The boom in tourism may be attributed, in large part, to the political stability of the nation.

The government of Morocco is also working to foster the growth of Morocco’s tourist industry. The country is home to nine locations that have been designated as UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

It is highly recommended that you pay a visit to each of these locations because of the significant contributions they have made to history, culture, and architecture.

The city known as the “Red City” is located in Morocco:

The city of Marrakech has the position of Morocco’s fourth largest metropolis. Marrakech is a city that is rich in history, as well as culture and architecture. It was a large imperial city at the time and one of the most important in the nation.

Ali ibn Yusuf, the monarch of the Almoravid dynasty, was responsible for the construction of the red walls that surround the city. The city was also home to the construction of a great number of red buildings. Because of its color, the city is often referred to as “Red City” or “Ochre City.”

Several regions of Morocco get a significant amount of snowfall each year:

What is the first thing that springs to mind when you think about Morocco? The vastness of the Sahara, camel caravans, and mosques built under the scorching heat of the sun? This makes perfect sense in every way.

The cuisine of Morocco has a taste that is uniquely oriental. However, only a small minority of people associate the kingdom with snowy mountains and skiing terrain. And for nothing: snow may be found in the Atlas Mountains between the months of December and April.

Oukaimeden is around 70 kilometers away from Marrakech and has evolved into a popular ski resort. Where else except in Africa can you go sledding, skiing, snowboarding, have snowball battles, and build snowmen? Therefore, why not?

Morocco is a country that is passionate about soccer:

Soccer is a popular sport in Morocco, and the sport is closely watched and discussed across the country. Moroccans love watching and participating in both international and domestic soccer competitions, and women are just as enthusiastic about the sport as their male counterparts.

Since the early part of the twentieth century, this area has been the stage for the soccer championships. The hearts of Moroccan football fans today belong to Real Madrid and Barcelona, both of which are based in Spain. Due to the fact that Spain is barely 16 kilometers away from Morocco by ocean, its neighbors are need to be flexible.

This is also the location of the religious structure that is the highest in the world:

The Hassan II Mosque in Casablanca, Morocco, is the place of worship with the greatest elevation on the whole planet. The height of its minaret is 210 meters. For comparison, the height of Cologne Cathedral is 133 meters, therefore that is 50 meters taller. Construction of the mosque began in 1986 and continued until 1993.

The building’s construction and embellishment were the result of the combined efforts of thousands of constructors, artists, and artisans. However, it was all for a good cause. One half of the structure is constructed on a one-of-a-kind platform that is held up by pylons directly above the Atlantic Ocean.

When the tide is high, the mosque gives the appearance of being carried along by the waves. In addition, the building has a roof that can be retracted, a heated floor, and a laser beam that is directed in a direct line toward Mecca. It is certain that one need to check it out.

Morocco, also known as the “hippie mecca”:

In the 1960s, the American guitar prodigy Jimmy Hendrix decided to make his home in the sleepy fishing hamlet of Essaouira, which is located on the coast of the Atlantic Ocean. After that, a large number of hippies, musicians, artists, writers, and other types of bohemians traveled to the coast of Morocco.

Even now, Essaouira is recognized as a significant hub for the arts. For instance, the Gnaoua International Music Festival is held every year in the month of June.

There, one may hear Gnaoua music, which is a fusion of Arabic, African, and Berber chanting, in addition to performances by pop, jazz, and rock artists from all over the globe.

Moroccan goats – climbers:

Goats grazing in the forest is a sight that can be observed midway between Essaouira and Agadir, and it is a pretty magnificent scene. The goats have the precision of a trained tightrope walker as they scale the trees to reach the highest limbs. The lack of natural food sources is the straightforward cause of these incredible feats of acrobatics.

Goats, on the other hand, will only perform their antics on a single kind of tree. Agania is a species that is exclusive to Morocco and is known for its sharp spines. Argania seeds are used to generate argan oil, which is considered to be one of the rarest oils in the world. Argan oil, sometimes called “the gold of Morocco,” has use in the kitchen as well as the cosmetics industry.

The nation is home to its own kind of “African Hollywood”:

A significant number of films have been created in Morocco. In addition, they started during the era of silence, although the genuine journey to the Moroccan coast for on-location shooting did not begin until after World War II.

Here is where movies like “The Man Who Knew Too Much” and “Lawrence of Arabia” were shot by directors like Alfred Hitchcock and David Lin, respectively.

Atlas Film Studio was established in the 1980s in Morocco, not too far from Ouarzazate, where it has remained ever since. At different points in time, production on Gladiator, Asterix and Obelix: Mission Cleopatra, Alexander, 007: Spectre, and the third season of Game of Thrones took place at the studio.

You have arrived at the Mandarin Paradise:

Mandarins come to mind whenever Morocco is brought up in conversation. One of the tangerine cultivars is called simply “tangerine.” At the moment, it is cultivated in the United States of America, China, the Mediterranean, and India.

Despite this, the fruit was initially grown in Morocco, namely in the region around the city of Tangier, from where it derives its name. In English, the phrases “mandarin” and “tangerine” are interchangeable and mean the same thing.

The cities in this area are all colored the same:

Obviously, not all of Morocco’s cities have the same color scheme, but here are some examples from a few different parts of the country. For instance, tourists typically refer to Essaouira as “snow-white,” and one of Morocco’s four royal cities, Marrakech, as “millions of shades of red.” Both of these places are located in Morocco.

It is difficult not to emphasize Chefchaouen, which is known as the “Blue Pearl” of the monarchy. Alleys in the medieval city that have various shades of blue, including as ultramarine, azure, cornflower, lavender, and blue, as if they were purpose-built for a movie set.

In point of fact, the color of the city is a direct result of the Jews who were forced to leave Spain in the 15th century. They were the ones who first started painting the buildings with their holy shade of blue. Non-Christians were the only people allowed to live in the town for a significant portion of its history; the first Christian to settle in Chefchaouen came in the eighteenth century.

Today, Jews, Christians, and Muslims all live together in the city in peace and harmony. Despite this, the characteristic blue color of the cottages has been carefully maintained, much to the satisfaction of the large number of visitors.

The Saadian dynasty, which claims to be the world’s second oldest royal family, now reigns over Morocco.

The House of Shorafa Aloui came to control Morocco in 1631 and claims ancestry from the Islamic Prophet Muhammad Ibin Abdullah. The House of Shorafa Aloui is represented by King Mohammed the Six of Morocco, who is the 23rd King from that House.

Emperor Jimmu, who is considered to be the legendary founder of Japan and who claimed to be a descendant of the sun goddess Amaterasu, is credited with founding the Japanese dynasty, which is now the oldest ruling dynasty in existence.

Morocco was the first nation in the world to formally recognize the United States of America in the following ways:

When the American Revolution was just getting started and American commercial ships were being targeted by pirates in the Atlantic Ocean, Sultan Muhammad the Third of Morocco made a declaration in December 1777 that any American commerce ship would be protected by his government.

This is one of the facts about Morocco that each and every American needs to know. The (pact of friendship) between the United States and Morocco, which was signed in 1786, is currently the oldest camp friendship treaty held by the United States.

Morocco is home to an astonishingly diverse collection of civilizations, including:

With a total land area of 172 thousand square miles, Morocco is comparable in size to the state of California, which makes it one of the most intriguing countries in the world.

In spite of the fact that the majority of Moroccans are Arabs and Berbers and that Arabic and Berber are the predominant languages spoken in the country, the country of Morocco has an astoundingly diverse cultural landscape.

It’s possible that you’ll have the impression that you’ve entered a new country when you go from one place to another. For instance, if you travel through the city that serves as the capital of Rabat,

you’ll get the impression that you’re in the French region of Leon. Then, as you move further north, the French influence is gradually replaced by an Andalusian spirit, to the point that Spanish is the primary language spoken by the majority of people living in northern Morocco.

In point of fact, it’s quite probable that the typical Moroccan is proficient in at least three other languages. This enthusiasm may be seen mirrored in the festivals that are held and the music that is performed in each area.

The cuisine of Morocco is considered to be among the greatest in the world:

This is one of the yummy facts about Morocco. If there is one thing that anybody who has visited Morocco can testify to, it is the mouthwatering food that this country boasts. This is just one of the tasty facts about Morocco.

No matter what your tastes are in food, between the two scoops of Tangina Sila and the myriad other gourmet delicacies that Morocco has to offer, you will not be disappointed.

There is no doubt that Morocco is the place to go to satisfy all of your senses of taste. As a result of the fact that Moroccan ( facts about Morocco ) cuisine was rated the second best destination for food lovers in 2015, restaurants serving Moroccan cuisine are anticipated to be completely full in a number of European cities.

Read more about the cuisine of Morocco here.

Tea, or “Berber Whiskey” as it is often referred to the Moroccans, is the national drink of the country:

Since its introduction to Morocco in 1854 by British merchants, Thé à la Monte, also known as Green Mint Tea, has been the beverage of choice across the country. When it comes to the team, its strongest sense of freshness comes from the fact that it is brewed with mint leaves.

Sugar is consumed in a manner that is maybe a bit too unrestrained in Morocco. You may see our video on the best spots to have a cup of tea by clicking the button in the top right corner of the screen.

It is impossible to resist the temptation to pay this lovely region a visit and completely immerse oneself in its culture, both historical and natural, as well as Lawrence, given how much there is to discover and experience in this location.

The Country of the Berbers:

Due to the fact that Berbers make up around forty percent of the population, the Kingdom of Morocco is often referred to as the Land of the Berbers.

The culture of Morocco’s Berber people, who are the ancestors of the country’s first inhabitants, is alive and oriented on nature. Many of them would rather live in the harshest surroundings that can possibly be imagined, such as the High Atlas Mountains or the Sahara Desert, for example.

They are not only very intelligent but also quite fascinating to have a conversation with.

Some Berber women have enormous tattoos covering their faces, especially their cheeks and necks. This is an ancient Berber practice that was originally used for the purpose of identifying one’s tribe.

Because many of them are nervous around cameras, you shouldn’t take a picture of one unless you first ask for permission to do so if you come across one.

Rocks beat sand:

When I think in facts about Morocco, the enormous sand dunes of the Sahara immediately come to mind. I don’t know about you, but it was the first thing that came to my mind. For some reason, my whole life I have associated Morocco with being a desert country. Imagine the shock that I felt when, rather than beaches, I found myself in the highlands.

In point of fact, enormous mountain ranges encompass the bulk of Morocco’s terrain, with the Atlas Mountains being the largest of these ranges and covering 1,350 kilometers from the country’s central north to its southwest (840 mi). Toubkal, the highest point in Morocco, is at an elevation of 4,167 meters (13,670 feet), making it the highest point in all of Northern Africa.

A land filled with Kasbahs and exquisite Riads:

The fact that many people in Morocco do not reside in conventional homes or high-rise apartment complexes is one of the country’s most fascinating characteristics. The word “riad” refers to the traditional Moroccan house. Riads often have two or more levels and are built around an open courtyard that typically has a garden or a fountain in the middle.

The bulk of the riads, despite their nondescript exteriors, have very luxurious and well appointed interiors. Even though they are designed to keep you cool, you should check to see whether the riad you stay in has a heater if you want to go to Morocco during the winter.

Another well-known example of Moroccan architecture is seen in the country’s Kasbahs. Kasbahs are a kind of fortified citadel that was traditionally used in the defense of the medinas, which are the older parts of the city, against attacks in the past.

Kasbahs are no longer built in Morocco; nonetheless, those that have stood the test of time and are still standing are now attractive sites for tourists.

Medinas and Souks: [Arabic] Markets

When we talk about the medinas, you won’t believe it when we tell you that many people in Morocco live in actual human mazes rather than in traditional neighborhoods. Although many European towns with their winding, narrow alleys have been likened to labyrinths, Moroccan medinas are in a league of their own.

To what, in particular, am I referring? Imagine a billion lanes, each one only big enough for one person to squeeze through, and the walls all the way around are just a few meters high. Is it just me, or does it seem a bit claustrophobic? A real medina is similar to a human labyrinth but on a much larger scale.

The souks are traditional marketplaces that have been operating in Morocco for hundreds of years. Your trip is going to be filled with vibrant colors and stunning scenery if you have the courage to explore the medinas without worrying about getting lost inside of them. Absolutely certain to be abandoned!

The use of mobile phones:

The facts about Morocco is very technologically sophisticated is one of the aspects of the nation that I like the most. In spite of the fact that a trip through the medinas of Fez, Marrakech, or Chefchaouen may give you the impression that you have traveled back in time one hundred years, it is surprisingly simple to locate stores selling electrical goods.

The fact that there are more registered smartphones in Morocco than there are people living in the country is evidence that the Moroccans are huge fans of modern technology. I’m not making this up; despite the fact that the population of the nation is thought to be somewhere around 40 million, there are 46.67 million people signed up for mobile phone service.

Liver of Love, number :

Here is one of the most peculiar things you should know about Morocco. Have we not all arrived at the conclusion that the heart is the most appropriate symbol to represent love? As the day of St. Valentine’s approaches, hearts begin to emerge in unexpected places. But not in the country of Morocco.

In Moroccan tradition, the liver, not the heart, is considered to be the symbol of love. Since a healthy liver is indicative of good digestion and contributes to overall wellbeing, it is only logical that they should be considered the ultimate symbol of love.

As a declaration of love, they even have a phrase that can be roughly translated as “You’ve conquered my liver,” and it is common in their culture. It would interest me to see how Morocco celebrates Valentine’s Day with decorations.

In a peculiar fashion:

It is not my intention to indicate that all Moroccans dress in an odd manner; rather, I am stating that Moroccans dress in the same manner as average people everywhere else in the globe. That is, unless they choose to dress in the djellaba, which is the typical garment worn by people in Morocco.

In contrast to other countries, where people seldom dress in their traditional garb, many people in Morocco choose to dress in a unisex version of the traditional national dress known as an overall. There is also a winter variant with a large hood that tapers to a point at the top.

Although the majority of tourists find the djellaba to be humorous, those searching for genuine picture opportunities will discover that the locals wearing djellaba are a real discovery.


Have you ever been to a marriage ceremony in Morocco? I suppose not. But if you ever have the opportunity, you shouldn’t waste it by saying no. Make sure that you have a buffer of three days to fall back on.

You read it correctly: a typical Moroccan wedding will run for three days and will conclude in the wildest extravaganza you’ve ever seen.

Because you should now have a very good sense of how expressive Moroccan culture is, you should be able to comprehend the sort of party that I’m talking about. It includes a little bit of everything and some weird customs, such as the bride switching her attire up to seven times or the groom donning a traditional Jabador or a djellaba.

Both a hammam and a henna party will take place on the first day of the wedding, which will also mark the beginning of the festivities (day 2).

There are cats in every room!

There is no doubt that the country of Morocco is a nation of cats. In any city, it is almost probable that you will come across hundreds of strays that are cats. It seems as if all of the people take pleasure in them, as they feed and care for them.

But things are different when it comes to dogs. To tell you the truth, I didn’t come across too many dogs throughout my time spent traveling across the nation. The reason for this is that, as the story goes, the prophet Mohammed had a deep affection for cats, and while he was giving sermons, his kitten Muezza would sit on his lap the whole time.

This is how the custom came to be.

People who “charm” snakes aren’t really charming:

Snake charmers hailing from Morocco have made the country famous around the globe. One of the most well-known tourist destinations in the nation is home to a group of strange men who play a flute to hypnotize venomous cobras.

In spite of the fact that at first glance snake charmers seem to be charming and alluring, the truth around them is rather gloomy. The vast majority of them, but not all of them, will catch wild cobras, extract their fangs, and then sew their mouths shut. This manner, the cobra will not be able to attack its owner, but it will die from starvation after a few torturous months.

They also take advantage of unsuspecting tourists, albeit not all of them do. It is nearly probable that a snake will be put on your shoulders if you approach a snake charmer for the purpose of taking a picture or getting a closer look at their act.

You don’t have much of a choice, even if you don’t want it, since you already have to pay the snake charmers for the experience, and if you don’t, you run the chance of getting into a fight with him and his friends.

Have any of these facts about Morocco proven to be helpful to you? Do you happen to know any more interesting facts about Morocco that you could tell us? In the area below labeled “Comments,” you are welcome to share your thoughts and experiences with us.